There are tons of great resources out there ~ here’s a few that might interest you:
- Avarna Group: Justice + Equity + Diversity + Inclusion. Insights and resources for environmental and outdoor leaders and their organizations.
- Academic Internship Program: A Partnership between SFSU, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and GG Nat’l Parks Conservancy. Story in our campus news: XPress.
- Anti-racism in the Outdoors: Resources related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion of black, indigenous and people of color in parks and greenspaces
- Black Lives Matter, Nearly 200 Black-Owned Businesses to Support
- Career Resources for the Outdoor Industry (sample)
- Center for Diversity and the Environment
- “Dear White People…10 Ways You Can Show Up for your Black Friends and Colleagues”
- Diversify Outdoors: Promoting diversity in outdoor recreation & conservation
- 55+ Black, Indigenous & POC-Owned Outdoor Collectives to Support: Hosted by Field Mag.
- Justise Outside (formerly Youth Outside): Embracing embraces its leadership role in the field of youth outdoor education and programming
- Links between racism and the envionment: New York Times resource list
- Outdoor Recreation and Experiential Education Resources for Adolescent Girls
- Parks Now: Diverse voices for parks
- Presidential Memorandum — Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Our National Parks, National Forests, and Other Public Lands and Waters; Barak Obama, 2017.
- Roberts & Associates Consultation and Training: Justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, relevance, social & environmental justice (and related!)

San Francisco State University
Dept. of Recreation, Parks & Tourism
1600 Holloway Ave, HSS 307
San Francisco, CA 94132

Artwork by Ryan Jones