A few news stories, radio shows, & video documentaries I’ve had the pleasure and honor of contributing to through various interviews . . .
- “Professor explains perks, precautions for visiting parks during the pandemic.” SF State News, Strategic Marketing & Communications, by Kent Bravo, 7/21/20
- “National Park Service continues to grapple with diversity in workforce.” National Parks Traveler, by Lori Sonken, 7/05/20
- “Diversity in the great outdoors” by Julian Espinoza, XPRESS Magazine (serving the SFSU community), 12/26/18
- “Why national parks accessibility matters: Here are three ways the National Park Service is proving parks belong to all Americans.” by Christina Djossa. National Geographic | Travel, 10/29/18
- “Transporting kids to nature” by Aleta George. Bay Area Monitor: A publication of the League of Women Voters of the Bay Area, June/July 2018, 43(6), p. 3-4. (web version of story)
- “Fostering diversity in land management: An Interview with Dr. Nina S. Roberts” by Claire Meyler, California Invasive Plant Council for the Dispatch, Summer newsletter, 2018, 26(2), p. 6-7
- “Study finds U.S. Forest Service lands underused by minorities”. By Lisa Owens Viani, SF State News, Strategic Marketing & Communications, 5/31/18
- National Park Service Proposes Fee Increases (various interviews):
1. “National Park Service proposes hiking entry fee for Yosemite, popular parks” – Interview with Michael Krasny, KQED Forum, audio broadcast, 10/26/17
2. “Donald Trump wants to double the price of getting into Yosemite. Is that fair?” Sacramento Bee, 10/27/17
3. “Will Higher Fees Hurt the National Park Service’s Diversity Efforts?“. The Atlantic/CityLab, 10/27/17 - “Are the Bay Area’s parks too crowded? Depends on your perspective“. Bay Nature Magazine, 6/28/17
- “How nature heals: Why East Bay doctors are prescribing the outdoors to people of color.” East Bay Express, News & Opinion. 5/18/17
- “National Parks have some work to do to become Parks for All“. KQED Science Radio – Story transcripts and audio, 8/8/16
- “Fostering equal access to the Forest.” Community engagement with Save the Redwoods League, 6/24/15
- “To get kids to the wilderness, Oakland group trains and equips trip leaders” – Bay Nature Magazine, 12/15/14
- “Parks for All? The National Park Service struggles to connect with a changing America” – High Country News, 5/19/14
- Faculty spotlight: An Interview with Nina Roberts, Professor of Recreation, Parks & Tourism. SF State University, Environmental Studies Program Newsletter, p. 3, 2013/14
- “Same dance, different day” – Interview with Raynelle Rino for “The D Word: Creating a Niche for Diversity”, 11/23/13
- “Give back: Community Service Learning and cultural humility” SFSU Institute for Civic and Community Engagement, Spring 2013, video documentary, 9/18/13
- “Outdoor Advice + Tips: With Liberty and Adventure For all” – National Geogaphic | Adventure, 1/19/12
- “Bringing the San Gabriel Mountains closer to the people“ – The City Project, 2/9/12
- “America’s Great Outdoors Diversity Initiative” – High Country News, 3/11/11
- “National parks reach out to Blacks who aren’t visiting” – New York Times, 11/2/10
- “Expanding the Palette: As America’s population become more diverse, will its changes be reflected in park visitors?” NPCA magazine, Summer 2010
- Inner City Outward Bound: SF State University student documentary on urban youth experiencing the outdoors. This film follows a class of students from Mission High School, San Francisco to Point Reyes National Seashore for a wilderness expedition, Spring 2010
- Student Conservation Association, Community Programs: Documentary-style profile co-directed and co-edited by Stephanie Mackley, Fall 2009
- “Aiming to add more diversity under America’s blue skies” – CNN.com, 9/2/09
- Closing State Parks could have domino effect on the economy – New America Media, June 2009
- Visitors to Nation’s Parks Need to Represent the New America – New America Media, April 2009
- Governor proposes cuts to California State Parks – Interview with student journalist from the SFSU campus newspaper “The Golden Gate XPress“, Jan. 2008
- “Welcoming Minorities to State Parks” – Radio interview with The Allegheny Front for Great Outdoors Week. Interview occurred during the PA Governor’s Conference Outdoors in March 2007, published 5/30/07
- People on Campus- Interview with Denize Springer for SF State News, 4/20/07
- Race in the Backcountry on WildeBeat – The audio journal about getting into the wilderness. Interview with Steve Sargent posted on 1/25/07. See Show #73, extended version (12 minutes) and update #11 (4 min.)
- Trailblazers: When scholarship meets recreation – “From hiking trails to academic journals, Nina Roberts leaes her mark”. Interview appears in Parks & Recreation Magazine, June 2006, 41(6)